XL Axiata Provides Nutritious Food Aid for People in Kalimantan, NTB and NTT

XL Axiata Provides Nutritious Food Aid for People in Kalimantan, NTB and NTT

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - Through Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) XL Axiata wants to ease the burden of communities during the Covid-19 pandemic through the "Bantuan Operasi Pangan Gratis" program that held in 3 areas of Indonesia. About 1,000 food aid packages are distributed for people in Kubu Raya Regency (West Kalimantan), Lombok Regency (NTB), and Sumba Barat Daya Regency (NTT). 

Basic food aid packages are provided in the form of 5 kg of rice, green beans, and eggs to families with children and pregnant women. The assistance is provided in the form of a voucher (Cash Voucher Program) in the amount of IDR 100,000 to each head of the family. Furthermore, the beneficiaries can spend the vouchers for food packages at shops that have collaborated with WVI.

Pahrudin (27), a beneficiary from Sajang Village, East Lombok Regency, found it easy to receive the package. He said, "We just have to take it and match our needs recently, it's nice not to use the money either. It's the first time to do this method, so it's easier and faster."

Meanwhile, Wismoyo A.M (24), a villager from another village in East Lombok Regency, admitted that he was happy to get the assistance that he and his family needed.

"This is the first time we do this. We can learn to be faster and accurate in receiving assistance according to the recent needs. Thank you for WVI," he added.

Through the distribution of this package, it is hoped that children can still get the best nutrition even though the family feels the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer of Wahana Visi Indonesia


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