Please select and register for the available Kind Circle activities, or you can also register generally on the website page under the menu 'Let's Get Involved - Volunteers - Register Now

If you are living overseas, we would advise you to volunteer with the World Vision office in your country. World Vision is partner of Wahana Visi Indonesia

Corporate volunteer only come from company that has engaged project with us. If you want your company to do a volunteering work with Wahana Visi Indonesia, encourage them to meet our staff and engage company’s CSR with Wahana Visi Indonesia.




Becoming Teman Kincir is the best way to get to know each other. You will have a positive community where Kind Circle friends gather, grow, and work together towards the same vision: contributing to the children of Indonesia.



Office volunteers must be willing to commit a minimum of four (4) hours a day (or as per requested). We ask that event volunteers commit at least one day (one shift per day) to each event/activity.

This depends on your time and where the events are taking place. The majority of WVI events take place in key cities and towns and over weekends.

Only volunteers aged 18 years old and above are allowed to sign up as volunteers.

Most definitely! Many of our volunteers hold regular jobs but still find time and energy to volunteer with us.

There is a variety of administrative work at the office like answering calls, data entry etc whereas events might need you to speak to the public, assist in setting up and clearing exhibitions etc.