Advocacy & External Engagement

WVI carries out advocacy work and external engagement. In the process, we put forward the concept of co-creation and collaboration with various parties to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of children and citizens.

Advocacy & External Engagement

Wahana Visi Indonesia carries out advocacy work and external engagement to respond to Child-Friendly Districts/Cities (KLA) indicators, as well as indicators of Sustainable Development Goals. In our work, we prioritize the concept of co-creation and collaboration with state and non-state stakeholders to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of children and citizens.

Rights-Based Advocacy and Social Accountability

Wahana Visi Indonesia's advocacy approach is rights-based advocacy, which is carried out jointly, or by the community. This is under the mandate of the Law on Formation of Legislation which emphasizes public participation in policy formulation. The best approach to ensure public participation is through Social Accountability. Citizens, including children, are empowered to become the best policy advocacy actors for them. Wahana Visi Indonesia's issue of social accountability is not limited to government services, but also a matter of implementing policies, changing policies for the better, to encouraging new policies.

Community involvement is essential in advocacy work. Wahana Visi Indonesia's role is to ensure citizens are involved and act as advocacy actors to produce sustainable development. Citizen participation will continue to be increased in line with social accountability advocacy efforts. The core elements, namely information so that citizens are empowered, citizen reflection on assessing policies and implementation, as well as dialogue between state and non-state stakeholders, are the keys to pushing for better governance to fulfill the rights of citizens, including children.

Wahana Visi Indonesia targets three major themes, namely child marriage, sexual violence against children, and good governance.