The love you have helps end poverty.

Join us to empower millions of Indonesians with fullness of life, hope and future.


Getting to know Philanthropic Partnership for the lives of Indonesian children


WVI Philanthropic Partnership

  • Comprehensive involvement in humanitarian programs
  • Realizing personal aspirations: ideas, skills, connections and other resources
  • Realizing a shared vision effectively and measurably
  • Personal experience working with people who need it most
  • Long term social investment

What are the advantages of the WVI Philanthropy Partnership for you?

  • A strategic transformational development platform through the National Leadership Forum
  • Vision Trip: Visit to the program location
  • Intensive communication and reporting

How you can get involved

You can choose to support a program that focuses on:


Every child has the right to access adequate sanitation and toilets.


Every child has the right to proper nutrition.


Every child wants to laugh, go to school, live healthy and feel safe.

Get to Know Wahana Visi Indonesia

  • Active since 1960 as part of World Vision global partnership.
  • Supported by specialists in the fields of WASH, Education and Advocacy.

  • Excellent in integrative approach: Transformasional Development, Advocacy and Emergency Response.

  • Strong collaboration with government, civil society organization and donor.

  • Transparent: project implementation, monitoring and reporting using latest technology.


Sharing the stories from our donors

Transformation applies to both parties, donors and communities - when we (donors and the community) together respond to God's call in our lives. Learning during the partnership has enriched and changed the lives of all parties. Our donors have also undergone a transformation during the partnership. Here are their stories.

"We must give our heart, hard work, and high commitment, to build Asmat together."

I see that in Papua the problem is complex, because not only the standard of living is low, but also the level of ownership of basic skills for hygiene and health is also very low.

Dewi Makes

Our Experts

Community development has high complexity, dynamics and massive challenges. From the beginning, WVI involved program specialists from planning to program implementation and evaluation to get maximum results and learning. Here are their profiles.

Melliana Layuk

Education Specialist

“She has worked with WVI for the last 13 years. She supports the development of strategies to manage education issues & provides capacity building for teachers and communities. A researcher & innovator who actively provides recommendations and ideas.”

Vita Aristyanita

Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Specialist

“Her passion for community development brought her joined WVI in emergency response in 2006. She is one of WVI representatives as Maternal and Child Health Movement (GKIA) Presidium.”

Mita Sirait

WASH Specialist

“WASH practitioner since 2006, managed urban & rural WASH projects in development and emergency contexts. Actively involved in developing technical guidelines, capacity building, research & advocacy at national & international levels.”

Annual Report

Our Team

Jessica Suparman

Philanthropic Advisor

Anggitha Pramiyaswari

Philantropy Service Executive

Paskah Simanungkalit

Philanthropic Advisor

Andra Sagitania

Philantropy Service Executive

Beatrice Mertadiwangsa

Head of Philanthropy

Liana Goutama

Donor Engagement Manager

Armand Pantouw

Philanthropy Lead