Trusted partner to change children lives

Wahana Visi Indonesia has worked with community members around Indonesia, from Aceh to Papua, for over 20 years. We believe we could make a greater impact when working together with partners who share our passion and vision and combine our expertise, experience, and resources.

We are accountable to our partners for every Rupiah/Dollar entrusted. We prove and monitor the project you fund to make a better life for children in Indonesia. We work with a range of partners, from institutional donors to foundations, and corporations.

There are several ways we can partner to help us both achieve our goals. Our team will work with you to create or co-create a program that supports your vision and optimize the impact.

You are welcome to visit our existing project to learn more about our program. If you are interested in partnering for change and for impact, please contact us

Climate Change Adaptation Program

Climate Change Adaptation Program

Together with donors agencies, we conduct programs that focus on climate change adaptation to make better nature for children

Child Protection Program

Child Protection Program

Together with donor agencies, we conduct programs that focus on protecting children's rights, especially in reducing the level of child, physical and sexual violence, and promoting child participation and other children's rights.

Economic Development Program

Economic Development Program

Together with donors agencies, We conduct programs that focus on the health sector to help thousands of people get adequate health services and facilities

Disaster Risk Reduction Program

Disaster Risk Reduction Program

Together with donors agencies, we conduct programs that focus on disaster risk reduction to prepare communities to face potential disasters that may occur at any time

Health and Nutrition Program

Health and Nutrition Program

Together with donors agencies, we conduct programs that focus on the health sector to help thousands of people get adequate health services and facilities