Disaster Risk Reduction Program

Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia is vulnerable to natural disasters. In 2021, around 2,029 disasters occurred in Indonesia. Most of these disasters include natural disasters and disease emergencies (COVID-19). Therefore, focusing on Risk Reduction and Disaster Response is one of Wahana Visi Indonesia's primary interventions. Several innovations that WVI has carried out related to Risk Reduction and Disaster Response:

1. Cash Voucher Programming
 During the response, non-cash assistance was distributed to 18 regions. As of September 2020, the total number of beneficiaries from CVP activities was 21,777 families, with a total disbursement of more than Rp13 billion.

2. Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRM)
During FY 2020, Wahana Visi Indonesia reached more than 16,234 people and facilitated the preparation of Disaster Preparedness Plans in 56 sub-district. Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) helps reduce vulnerabilities and increase the capacities of vulnerable groups and communities to cope with, prevent, or minimize loss and damage to life, property, and the environment, reduce human suffering, and hasten recovery caused by disasters.

3. Supporting Disaster Preparedness of Government and Communities (SINERGI) 
Through the SINERGI Project, WVI conducted psychosocial support training for 1,375 religious leaders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, introduced the concept of Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), especially in disaster emergencies, introduced the community to the importance of microinsurance in disaster - Adaptive Social Protection.

4. Disaster Safe Education Unit (Satuan Pendidikan Aman Bencana)
To support the need for child protection in carrying out teaching and learning activities in disasters, WVI has made several innovations by integrating related sectors in line with the implementation of the 3 SPAB Pillars in the SINERGI project, earthquake and tsunami response in Sulawesi Central, the Lombok earthquake, and the earthquake in Maluku.

5. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR)
Since 2015-2020, to reduce the vulnerability of communities in East Sumba in managing the impacts of climate change, WVI has synergized the FMNR (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration) approach through the IRED (Indonesian Rural Economic Development) Project with the Livelihood and Child Wellbeing sectors. To date, FMNR has restored 5,060.6 hectares of land in East Sumba. One thousand nine hundred fifty-five people can manage the environment, and 21 farmer groups have been assisted in implementing Good Agricultural Practices.

6. LMMS (Last Mile Mobile Solution) 
WVI uses LMMS (Last Mile Mobile Solution) to strengthen efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability in delivering humanitarian services. LMMS has proven to improve beneficiary data collection, assist better management of CVP recipients, make distribution of aid faster and fairer, and provide WVI staff with rapid reporting functionality.

7. Safe School

The goals of comprehensive school safety are to protect learners and education workers from death, injury, violence, and harm in schools, plan for education and protection continuity, and limit disruptions to learning in the face of shocks, stresses, hazards, and threats of all kinds; to safeguard the education sector investments; strengthen a culture of risk reduction and resilience through education; strengthen education system resilience, through participatory, risk-informed planning and capacity development.

Safe school implementation relies on three pillars: Safe learning environment, school safety, learning continuity management, risk reduction, and resilience education.

Let's move together to create a more aware society of potential disasters. Your support will contribute to increasing community resilience towards disasters.


Contact Person: 

Yohana Benu (Head of Grant & Contract Acquisition Management)

Email: yohana_benu@wvi.org