This project aims to improve community's income through egg-laying chicken farm, using digital marketing-based promotion that will be managed by the youth to boost sales. Not only will this project be moving the village's economy, but also become the pilot of food resilience as it will provide protein sources for children within the villages.
A model of layer poultry farming will be developed to raise egg-laying chicken for commercial egg production. The business capital will be distributed to the existing saving groups (S4T), whose members are mothers. There are currently 10 savings groups that have been established and running, with each group may have 15-18 members. The produced eggs will be commercialized primarly in the loical market. Youth groups, such as village youth groups (Karang Taruna) and church youth groups (OMK) will be empowered to be in charge of marketing, business development, and product management. The use of information technology and social media will be encouraged to advance the marketing efforts.