Partnering with Hundreds National Corporates

Let’s work together to create a new world that children will love.
We are ready to be YOUR partner and deliver social changes for children in Indonesia.

Wahana Visi Indonesia have worked together with more than 100 companies for more than 20 years. Together with partner & companies, we create partnership solutions that align with company goals and mission in a unique and impactful ways. We prove and monitor the project you fund to make better life for children in Indonesia. We can partnering through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs, Staff Volunteers, and Office Programs.

Dari MDC untuk Anak-anak NTT

Dari MDC untuk Anak-anak NTT

Donasi untuk Mendukung Perpustakaan SDN 04 Keranji Bengkayang

Donasi untuk Mendukung Perpustakaan SDN 04 Keranji Bengkayang

Water Tanks That Help People Needs in Lombok

Water Tanks That Help People Needs in Lombok

Being a Doctor in School

Being a Doctor in School