Bring Knowledge to Home

Bring Knowledge to Home

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the government of Nagekeo District, East Nusa Tenggara through the Nagekeo District Education and Culture Office issued a policy to implement a learning system and work from home for students, teachers, and other education personnel in the Nagekeo Regency. Tutoring or teaching materials wherever possible are carried out and provided through online media or telephone. The rules moved the hearts of Maria Ernaliana (Erna) and Kristina Ari (Rina) to support their students by going through a learning process.

"Erna and I went around to visit our students. We visit them to accompany them to study, pick up the assignments they have done, and give assignments that they have to make as long as they learn from home during this time," said Rina.

Periodically, Erna and Rina visit their students, usually done once a week or once every two weeks as needed. Even though they routinely make visits to students' homes, both of them still follow the government's advice, which is to always wear a mask and keep their distance from each other.

The rules that apply make teachers like Erna and Rina have to fight more. With the parents' conditions and the village topography being quite difficult, teachers like Rina and Erna must find the right way to teach their students.

"The average student's parents occupation are farmers with low income. Not all have cellular phones. In addition, here, there are several places that are difficult to signal," Erna explained.

The limitations of this communication tool make online learning quite difficult to apply.

Anticipating the situation, according to Maria Florida Ngego, the principal where the two teachers teach, said the school had agreed to provide tutoring to students and parents through telephone calls and manual assignment sheets.

"We gave high-grade students (4th-6th grader) worksheets to do. To low-grade students (1nd-3rd grader), we provide story sheets to be read or read by parents. Besides story sheets, we also give writing assignments to students. Usually we write short sentences first as examples, and students write back on the same assignment sheet five to ten repetitions. This is to increase the ability of their reading and counting ability. We also invite them to draw whatever they observe from the surrounding environment," added Erna explaining the process of tutoring that they do.

While providing tutoring to their students, Erna and Rina also heeded the Covid-19 prevention procedure. Parents are asked to provide chairs and tables to facilitate the teaching process. Both of them then teach outside the home area.

Both said that the teaching pattern was received from Wahana Visi Indonesia in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

"Usually the giving and gathering of teaching materials and student assignments are only done at the home front yard. If we have to provide guidance, we will do it on the porch, in an open space, and must be accompanied by parents while still wearing masks and maintaining a safe distance," Erna admitted.

Erna and Rina realized that their task as teachers did not have to stop because of the Covid-19 outbreak or because of limited communication resources. With determination as an introduction to the knowledge, they remain faithful in guiding their students. They only have one hope, students must be intelligent and noble human beings.

"We only carry out our duties as teachers. Before the Corona period, students came to school to study. Now, in Corona's time, it is our duty to come to them to bring that knowledge, "both said firmly.


Written by: Mordekhai Lalong, TP 2 Nagekeo Coordinator of the Wahana Visi Indonesia NADA Program Area

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