Children's Story: My Voice Represents the Children of Jakarta

My name is Agung. I am 13 years old. I am a sponsored child of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Jakarta Area Program. During this pandemic, I was allowed to take part in lifeskill training by WVI. I didn't think that the 5 months of training that I participated in could bring me to represent the voice of the children of Jakarta.
I always diligently follow the training without missing a single session. In the last session, there was a quiz and I won the quiz, that was because I could answer every question quickly, correctly, and accurately.
WVI provides the next opportunity to join in the Children's Voice activity to represent the Jakarta area. At first, I refused to get involved because I was afraid to disappoint WVI and afraid that I would not be able to voice the voice of the child. However, due to encouragement from WVI staff and their families, I finally said that I was ready to be involved in these activities.
Then I was allowed to voice my opinion via video. I tried to find information about vaccines on the internet. After that, I brave myself to take a video to speak up my opinion.
In the end, I got to know and understand better and could understand more broadly about the Covid-19 vaccine that the doctors had delivered directly. I am very grateful for this opportunity, and I will share my knowledge with my friends, especially with my mother so there is no more fear about this vaccine by adults because I have already been given knowledge about vaccines and can share it with others too.
Thank you WVI for the opportunity given to me and also my friends who are involved in activities with WVI who have provided knowledge and many things for activities and assistance to all of us.
Written based on the results of interviews with children by Setyaningsih, Field Facilitator for the Jakarta Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia