Cocoa Life Activities Make Me More Powerful

Sunarti, 29, is a family member of a cocoa farmer group in Kaladi Darussalam Village. Since completing her education in college, Sunarti has been familiar with the Cocoa Life program from PT Mondelez International. She also joined a savings and loan group and participated in various activities such as Women Extension Volunteer and Public Speaking for Women. It turned out that these various activities provided positive benefits for Sunarti. In 2020 she was elected to be a village staff as well as a Village Assistant Midwife. In 2022, she also became a member of the Village Supervisory Board.
Not only that, Sunarti can also be one of the agents of change in the village in carrying out her duties as a village facilitator, of the Climate Village Program. Currently, Sunarti is able to design various regulations for Climate Village Programs that have been agreed upon by the Village Head of Kaladi Darussalam. She also encouraged the women in the village to carry out reforestation activities, food security, and planting their yards to support the sustainability of the Climate Village Program.
With Sunarti's current abilities, she was also entrusted by the Expert Staff of the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappelitbangda) as the third companion of Kaladi Darussalam Village to join the team for formulating the Village Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM). Sunarti is able to work with Bappelitbangda staff to provide space for all communities, including cocoa farmer groups, to hold open discussions with an effort to listen to all community problems including cocoa farmer groups, Community-Based Integrated Child Protection groups and the Climate Village Program working group to be the basic in village work planning.
Written by Irwan Dedi Setiawan, Field Facilitator, Cocoa Life Pinrang Program