Consistency in Applying for Community-Based Child Protection

Violence against children can occur anytime, anywhere to any child. During the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the resources and attention of the government and society were focused on handling and preventing the spread of Covid-19. Unfortunately, this indirectly slackens efforts to prevent violence against children.
Based on SIMFONI PPA data (Online Information System for the Protection of Women and Children), in January 2021 there were 28 reported cases of child violence in West Kalimantan, of which 13 cases (72.22%) occurred in Bengkayang Regency.
Cipta Karya Village in Bengkayang Regency is one of the assisted villages of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Bengkayang Program Area which since 2017 has developed the Community-Based Child Protection Group (PATBM) as a joint effort by the community to reduce the number of violence against children. PATBM activities include a campaign to introduce children's rights and socialize the elimination of violence against children at the sub-village and neighborhood.
In early January 2021, data showed cases of sexual violence occurred against 11 girls by a cultural center trainer in Cipta Karya Village. This incident was a very harsh slap to the village government and village child protection activists. One of them is Sumiato (38), the head of the village PATBM volunteer.
Sumiato and eight of his friends did not remain silent. They agreed to assist children and their families since the process of reporting cases to the authorities, assisting recovery activities at the Bengkayang P3A Social Service post, and preparing families and the environment in the process of returning and social reintegration.
To ensure the process of returning and social reintegration of the children went well, PATBM volunteers build communication with church leaders in Cipta Karya Village, so that through sermons and pulpit news they could encourage the congregation to participate in supporting the recovery process of children and parents. This action is also a means of counseling parents and families of child survivors.
"This incident is very unfortunate that it happened. It could be considered our negligence in ensuring that children feel safe even during the Covid-19 pandemic. We cannot blame each other, this incident made us aware not to be slack in educating the community in the village about the importance of protecting children from perpetrators of violence,” said the father of two.
Sumiato feels that the assistance and partnership built with WVI can make it easier for every parent to help children and parents of victims of violence. For him, the collaboration between parties is one of the important things.
Currently, the children have returned to the village, but PATBM volunteers regularly monitor the development of the child and parents to ensure that the child's situation is fully recovered and returns to normal, and obtains their rights.
Written by: Yan A. Riwu, CESP Program Area Coordinator for Bengkayang Wahana Visi Indonesia