Direction from the Children's Advisory Board to WVI

In addition to the Governing, Supervisory and Management Board, Wahana Visi Indonesia also has a Children's Advisory Board. Although the members are children, their role is not much different from the more senior board members. The Children's Advisory Board is also tasked with providing advice, insight and direction to WVI in making programme and policy decisions. The perspectives of the Children's Advisory Board will determine WVI's growth in the future.
Formed in October 2022, the Children's Advisory Board (DPA – Dewan Penasihat Anak) currently has 16 members, five of whom serve on the team leaders. The DPA members are children who actively participate in Children's Forum in WVI's assisted areas across Indonesia. These children become representatives and funnel of other children's voices in providing more child-friendly direction in the implementation of WVI's programmes and policies.
Shortly after its formation, the DPA began to perform its duties. In 2023, members and leaders provided input for some of the big events WVI was doing, such as the Global 6K Water for Sumba campaign, the End Violence Against Children campaign, and WVI's 25th Anniversary. In addition, the DPA also share inputs on how WVI's organisational profile in the eyes of children and how safeguarding policies can be more easily implemented by children.
In addition to providing child-perspective direction for WVI, DPA is also a forum for children to participate and speak out, conveying children's issues from each regions to a larger forum. Internally, DPA also continues to develop the capacity of its leaders and members with various life skills training, active in each region's Children's Forum, and conducting child-led research.
Currently, DPA is chaired by Marselus, a child from Sintang District, West Kalimantan. Marselus' leadership is assisted by a deputy, Ridya from Parigi Moutong District, Central Sulawesi. In addition, the DPA board also consists of a secretary held by Lusi from Kubu Raya District, West Kalimantan, a treasurer held by Karin from Asmat District, Papua, and a documentation unit held by Andini from Nagekeo District, East Nusa Tenggara.
Not only impacting WVI, DPAs also create work plans that will bring impact for children in their areas. In this first year, DPA made four work plans as follows:
Conduct child-led research on programmes implemented by WVI
Reviewing the membership of children with disabilities in DPAs
Conduct monthly coordination
Conduct an annual meeting to review WVI's work programme and the extent of implementation of the DPA's directives
WVI, as an organisation focused on child wellbeing, feels that the DPA is a priority voice in developing the organisation. Children's perspectives and opinions are 100% important to WVI, hence the initiation of the DPA until it can be formed and able to carry out its duties properly. With the DPA in place, WVI hopes to continue to be an organisation that operates from a child's perspective, in accordance with the context of Indonesian children. The leaders and members of the DPA also hope that their capacity as an advisory board can continue to be improved while also making a meaningful contribution to WVI.
Author: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)