Mayella: Teachers Need to Change Their Teaching Method

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - "Teachers must be resourceful, and do not give up on this situation". That was the words of Mayella Da Cunha, Head of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports in Sikka Regency, when we asked him about the readiness of teachers in teaching in the current Covid-19 pandemic situation. On various occasions or when meeting with the teacher, he always motivates the teacher with these words.
Although now every student in Sikka Regency is required to learn at home, the government does not remain silent. Radio has also been used as an alternative learning method since April 2020.
Through radio broadcasts, learning is done for elementary school students grades 4 and 5, as well as junior high school grades 7 and 8. While for elementary school students grades 1-3, manual learning is done with guidance from the teacher. After listening to learning through the radio, the teacher then groups to guide the children to learn. Each group, usually filled with 10-12 children.
Mayella continued to emphasize to teachers to follow the health protocol during the pandemic, which is to keep a distance, use a mask and provide a means of washing hands with soap at each point of the study group.
Mayella admitted, indeed not all regions could get this radio broadcast because of the diverse distances and topography of the region.
"The most important thing is the willingness and creativity of teachers to keep teaching in situations like this," he said optimistically.
This middle-aged man continued, the method of learning through the radio will continue to be evaluated for its effectiveness. Almost every day Mayella comes down with the school supervisors to monitor the villages to see the learning process firsthand.
"Indeed, the biggest challenge is that we are not accustomed to learning in emergency situations, lack of creativity and innovation from teachers, coupled with the lack of supporting facilities such as electricity or other tools," he said.
This method of learning from home requires a parent's role that is large enough to assist a child's learning. Not a few parents who do not understand this condition and instead assume that at this time the children are closed school. The teachers also never stop educating parents.
Seeing this, Wahana Visi Indonesia Sikka Program Area is currently processing guidance or parenting tips during the Covid-19 pandemic and activity sheets that can be used by parents and children at home.
Written by: Herning Tyas Ekaristi, Staff of Sikka Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia