Sapau Cake for Alung

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - On July 7, 2020, at 09:10, Emi (35 yo), a young mother from Sambas Regency took her daughter to enter Mrs. Janna's shophouse. As recommended by the government to fight the Coronavirus, Emi and her daughter were using masks.
Emi washed her hands with the soap provided then she helped her daughter to wash her hands. The young girl named Norma, but she was usually called Alung. That day, a 4-year-old child followed her mother to take Cash Voucher Program from Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI).
Mrs. Jannah welcomed them two. She immediately invited Emi and Alung to sit down. Emi then took out the LMMS Card, Family Card, and commodity voucher from the plastic bag he was carrying.
After checking the completeness of the documents, Emi brought Alung to the customer care section. Faithfully, Alung continues to follow her mother.
“Alung is the only child. Only three of us with her grandmother at home,” said Emi.
Through this Cash Voucher Program, Alung and her mother received four types of daily needs, including rice and chicken eggs. Emi looked happy after getting the food materials.
"I am very happy to receive this assistance. Moreover, we are also getting chicken eggs,” Emi continued with a smile.
The Covid-19 pandemic also affected Emi's family. She began to reduce and limit the types of food she provided at home. Therefore, assistance from WVI helped her. When we asked what the food would be made of, Emi replied with joy, “I will make Sapau cake. Alung likes Sapau cake."
Sapau cake is a traditional cake that famous in Emi's hometown. The main ingredients are eggs, flour, and sugar. This cake is made by mixing these ingredients into a dough, then steaming.
Hearing what her mother said, Alung nodded happily when asked about Sapau cake. "Yes, Alung likes it," added Alung with a low voice.
Before returning to her house, Emi thanked for the help she received.
"I hope the program can continue. With this help I can provide nutritious food for Alung," Emi admitted.
Written by: Ignatius Anggoro, Manager Sambas Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia