Savings Solution to Support the Economic of The Family

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a real impact on the economy of many people. This situation also happens in a family in the area assisted by the Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Surabaya Area Program. One of them is the family of Hindun (40), a mother, who must be smarter in managing family income during the pandemic.
The income of her husband, who is a truck driver, has also decreased, while her two children are still in school. Her dream of being able to set aside money for savings had to be forgotten. Luckily, Hindun has attended family economic management training organized by KKIJM, and the I-COPE project of Wahana Visi Indonesia, funded by the European Union.
PERT training is a place to share experiences and knowledge among participants about the importance of managing finances wisely. Savings became one of the important points conveyed in the PERT training.
Many participants, including Hindun, find it difficult to save because if they are kept at home there is always a need that forces the savings to be used while saving in a bank requires a certain amount and there is an administrative fee.
The ASCA (Accumulating Saving and Credit Association) savings group created by WVI is a saving solution because it has been proven to be able to help members' financial problems and help each other as well as fellow members. Right at one of the ASCA introduction training sessions, participants were allowed to form ASCA based on their area of residence, and Hindun decided to join ASCA in one of the neighborhoods in Bulak Banteng Village.
Hindun is now determined to be able to set aside her money in ASKA's savings through the purchase of shares. This determination was realized by attending the inaugural ASKA Sumber Rejeki meeting and purchasing five shares worth IDR50,000.
"Hopefully ASCA Sumber Rejeki will be a source of fortune for my family. Thank you for introducing ASCA to me, hopefully, ASCA Sumber Rejeki will be a source of fortune for its members," hoped Hindun.
The mother of three is excited to collect the family's financial coffers by working as a book cover maker. From the results of her work, Hindun was able to collect IDR150,000 for the work of 1,000 covers.
Written by: Binar Aji Wijayanti, Field Facilitator of KKIJM-the ICOPE Project of Wahana Visi Indonesia
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Wahana Visi Indonesia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.