Sharing to Educate the Nation's Children

The literacy skills of children in East Manggarai Regency, NTT are among the lowest in Indonesia. This is what moves Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Mobilizing Organization Program (POP) to do something to improve children's literacy through the Wahana Literasi approach to teachers, school principals, and education staff.
Emanuel Jebarus, who is familiarly called Eman, is a class teacher at a Catholic elementary school in the East Manggarai district which has long been part of the WVI-assisted school. During that time, Eman was often actively involved in every activity of WVI. Eman became one of the delegates from his school to take part in the training to improve the POP Literacy Forum.
"Students at my school have very little interest in reading and it affects the process and learning outcomes, especially in the understanding section," said Eman.
According to him, that was what motivated him to take part in the Literacy Forum training provided by WVI. Through this training, Eman was selected to be one of the Master Teacher (MT) facilitators at the KKG level activities.
Even in 2022, POP has resumed training activities to improve the Literacy Forum at the KKG level by involving selected MTs and before that, MT capacity building was carried out by holding 2 MT training.
Eman said that at first he only attended this training he became one of the chosen ones to become MT in this POP Wahana Literacy activity.
“Being an MT was my first experience, how should I be able to redistribute the literacy materials that I have received to teachers at the KKG level, especially dealing with senior teachers who have served for a long time? This is also a challenge for me, but because we have been equipped with training, of course, I and other MT friends can share this literacy material,” he said positively.
Currently, Eman and other MTs are conducting POP WVI activities to increase Literacy Forum at the KKG level to resume the first phase of the material.
“Thank you to WVI for working together to improve the quality and quality of education in East Manggarai, especially in Lamba Leda Selatan and Lamba Leda Timur sub-districts. Hopefully, we will continue to work together in educating the nation's children," he concluded.
Written by: Oliva Junyati Nanggor, Education Officer of POP Program Wahana Visi Indonesia