Sikka Children's Forum Conveys Child Issues to Bishop Maumere

On that afternoon, the atmosphere of Lepo Bispu Diocese of Maumere was not, as usual, there was no silence and calm, but it sounded busier due to the laughter of the members of the Sikka Children's Forum. That day, April 26, 2021, was a special moment for them because they could meet and share their experiences in researching children's issues with Bishop Maumere Edwaldus Martinus Sedu.
"One month ago facilitated by WVI and Puspas KUM, we gathered and did an exploration of the issues of children in Sikka Regency. At that time there were two important issues. However, we prefer the issue of sexual violence against children. This issue is important because both in villages and in cities, these cases occur a lot and the impact is very bad for children,” said Yeri, one of the children, opening the conversation in front of Bishop Edwaldus.
The bishop said the results of the analysis carried out by members of the children's forum had opened the eyes of all people, including church officials, to be able to follow up.
"I am concerned to see that in fact, the house is also one of the places where violence against children occurs. That can't be happening. Should, home be a safe place for children, not hell. The home should be a safe and comfortable place for children,” added Bishop Edwaldus.
One of the recommendations for the church is to optimize the SEKAMI/SEKAR (children's Sunday school) platform to reach children in their activities and develop children's interest talents and more intensely socialize about sexuality education for children.
"Thank you to WVI and Puspas for accompanying the children so that they can carry out research and produce analyzes and recommendations like this. This is a good input for the church and especially the Indonesian Pontifical Work Bureau, the Family Pastoral Commission, the Education Bureau, and the Youth Bureau. This is also a matter of consideration when we will hold a Synod II this year, "said Bishop Edwaldus closing the conversation that afternoon.
The analysis of the issue of child violence by members of the Sikka child forum is a form of children's concern for issues that occur in the Sikka Regency. To create a child-friendly Sikka Regency, cooperation between parties such as the government, churches, the private sector, and the community is needed.
Written by: Herning Tyas Eucharist, Staff of Sikka Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia