The Assessment Card as a Way for Jakarta Residents to Speak Up to the Government

Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) is present through the Sinergi project, funded by USAID, to provide provisions for groups of women and young people in Jakarta through the Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) approach. This approach is taken to provide input to the government on disaster issues.
This activity begins with the assistance of the facilitators, then the facilitators provide dissemination to residents through Citizen Education activities. This activity contains training related to the Rights of the Child as well as inviting the community to participate in Assessment Card activities to measure Minimum Service Standards.
WVI and the CVA facilitators invite the community who are service recipients to be involved in this activity, including disability groups. Bambang (43), an RT administrator in West Pademangan, North Jakarta, said that this was the first activity involving a disability group.
"I just heard Wahana Visi, exactly just when the invitation came to me. I immediately rushed here, (because) this is the first time activity that involves disabilities," said Bambang.
The Assessment Card is a way that contains the values of the Minimum Service Standards given by service providers (government) to service recipients (community). Where the community can assess, discuss and provide input on each of the services they have received so far.
The involvement of groups of friends with disabilities is very helpful because they can provide opinions and even provide input to service providers through this Assessment Card container.
“We just want attention, then if possible the government will provide wheelchairs in every community unit because it is very difficult for people with disabilities to access roads when they are sick. The ambulance can not come to their houses, so they need the wheelchairs,” added Bambang.
This happens because there is a narrow access road from residents' houses to the highway, making it impossible for ambulances to enter during an emergency.
Meanwhile, the facilitator hopes that what they get through this forum will be a good start. Later, the results of the data from this Assessment Card will be provided for submitting proposals to the government, so it is hoped that good things will come to the community in the WVI-assisted areas at this time.
Written by: Hana Priscilla, Monev of Area Program Jakarta, Wahana Visi Indonesia