Learn to Change a Learning System

Learn to Change a Learning System

Literacy Project is one of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) project to guide parents, schools, and communities to develop children literacy. One of the programs implemented in WVI Area Program of Sentani, Papua by the support of Prudential in Child-Friendly School program.

On May 2019, Literacy Project has been running their ninth session involving the elementary school’s teachers of Komba (SD Inpres Komba). They were invited to reflect and learn from five basic reading skills that had been implemented in the classroom.

They were got additional knowledge about literacy by joining the whole of learning activity. The teachers. As a result, the teachers also use more varied and creative methods and activities in applying basic skills to reading children in their classes.

Sihol Pakpahan, one of the grade-1 teacher, admitted that he had implemented the results of the training he had obtained to help his students. Enggelina Yom who also received material similar to Sihol also got benefit from the training held.

"The activities we have done include students writing the first letters of their names and the first letters of their parents' names. Students write their names using lowercase letters and write their names using uppercase letters. "In this activity, students learn to know letters and recognize small and large letters," explained Enggelina.

Besides the activities that were successfully carried out in the classroom, these two first-class teachers were challenged in the learning process. A large number of students (32 people) with a variety of different characters make both of them need to give extra attention to children.

Meanwhile, Junne Salankory, grade 2B teacher said, "As many as 20-second grade students b can already practice four basic reading skills, namely knowledge of letters, awareness of sounds, vocabulary, and fluency in reading. However, there are still children in my class who have not been able to determine difficult vocabulary and words. "

Despite getting the same material, it turns out that each student's abilities are different. According to Sukartinahd and Kristina Monim, the students in the third grade he taught were helped by the display of letters in the classroom.

"The phoneme emphasis when reading is very meaningful, like mentioning the word “danau", not pronounced “dano", the word "pantai" is not pronounced "pante ", Sukartinah explained. He continued, "Previously the teacher read. However, it rarely ensures emphasis on how to pronounce letters or words properly and correctly. "

At the end of the joint training and reflection session, the supervisor of the Sentani IV group, Sarju who also acted as a facilitator for the Literacy Forum said, "This training is very beneficial for teachers in elementary schools and I am very sure if the teacher at SD Inpres Komba applies the results of this training well it will improve children's reading skills. "

By intervening Literacy Project through nine training sessions at SD Inpres Komba, it has an impact where teachers learn to improve and change more creative and varied learning strategies.

Written by: Elisabeth Bukorpioper, Education Coordinator Area Program of Sentani Wahana Visi Indonesia

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