About Indonesian Children and the Protection One May Provide

When discussing Indonesian children, it is important to emphasize that children are the nation's generation. Children in Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, need access to resources that can help them achieve and realize their dreams. Once again, children represent the nation's most valuable assets and require complete support. We can provide this form of support by providing the protection children need to achieve their dreams.
About Indonesian Children and Their Problems
Indonesian children face numerous obstacles as they strive to realize their dreams. Adults have the responsibility to shield children from these obstacles. To assist in realizing the dreams and hopes of children in Indonesia, it is essential to first identify the various issues, which include the following:
Children Living in Poverty
Many children in Indonesia face challenges that obstruct their dreams, primarily due to poverty. Living at a level of ability below standard will force the child's condition to adjust, so it is not uncommon for many dreams to be buried due to financial problems, where parents cannot provide the best access for their children.
One reason poverty exists is that every parent wants to give their kids the best opportunities. However, insufficient income hinders this, preventing children from achieving their full potential as they must adapt to the living conditions of families with still inadequate standards. -
There are Children Who Cannot Access Education
In Indonesia, there are many stories of children who do not get a proper education because of limited facilities. Children's enthusiasm for education is certainly high, especially those who live in the outermost areas of Indonesia. However, inadequate access hinders this enthusiasm, preventing children from enjoying their desired access to education.
For instance, the tale of Laskar Pelangi, renowned for its portrayal of children with a strong desire to learn but lacking access to school facilities, libraries, or other suitable learning environments, persists in various parts of Indonesia. This, in turn, contributes to the low literacy rates among Indonesian children, particularly those residing in remote areas. -
There Are Children Who Lack Access to Proper Health Care
Many children in Indonesia, regrettably, do not fully understand the importance of access to health facilities. Health facilities can offer the most effective assistance when dealing with health problems. Unfortunately, many children lack access to adequate health facilities. This can lead to a range of health issues in children, impeding their progress and growth. Once again, this ailment will impede the advancement of the nation's youth, necessitating its resolution.
Children suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of adequate health facilities. Children in several areas suffer from malnutrition due to the absence of health facilities, such as integrated health posts where they can seek expert advice and guidance. Malnutrition can inhibit children's growth and even cause fatalities. Providing adequate health facilities and meeting children's nutritional needs can help overcome these health problems. -
Child labor
The dilemma arises from the fact that circumstances and necessity often force underage children to work. Children helping their parents with their work is a common sight. Conversely, employers often exploit children by offering them lower salaries. This is an obstacle because it can create a vicious cycle because many children work to continue their education.
About Indonesian Children and How to Solve Their Problems
Understanding the numerous issues that children in Indonesia continue to confront can help us become more aware and capable of proposing the best possible solutions. Rather than blaming and taking responsibility, we can overcome the problems faced by many Indonesian children by helping each other.
The way to help overcome children's problems is to provide assistance, which can be done by following a program held by an institution that focuses on overcoming challenges and helping children have a better future. To help children in Indonesia, you can choose the "Chosen" program from Wahana Visi Indonesia. In addition to the program we offer, you have the option to become a sponsor, with monthly costs starting at IDR 200.000,- per child, to help children in Indonesia have a brighter future.
About Children Who Receive Help from the Chosen Program
The Chosen program at Wahana Visi Indonesia is different from the sponsorship program in general. The difference is that the child will be the one who decides to choose the sponsor. This distinction stems from the fact that the sponsor typically selects the child in the traditional sponsorship program. In our program, the child takes the lead in selecting the sponsor, thereby reversing the traditional child sponsor selection process.
The process facilitates the development of a sponsorship model that empowers both Indonesian children and the community. The Chosen program prevents direct donors from making regular contributions. However, we will jointly decide on the most crucial assistance that children and the community require. This approach yields benefits because it has the potential to empower the community and bring about positive changes not only in the lives and futures of children, but also in their communities. Child sponsors provide a 200k monthly assistance program for the following purposes:
Access to their necessary nutritious food.
Access to clean water for children's daily needs.
Access to sufficient education and health facilities.
Aid in disaster management and leadership training to mold the children's character as well.
The Chosen program from Wahana Visi Indonesia can be used to help children in Indonesia overcome their problems. There are still many problems, ranging from poverty to not being able to access cases of exploitation. Children from the Chosen program directly select individual donors as a means of overcoming these challenges. Register now on the Wahana Visi Indonesia website to join the program.