Cash Voucher Programming Supports Children Activities at Home

The Covid-19 pandemic is still having an impact on the economy of the people in Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan. Based on this condition Kubu Raya Area Program of Wahana Visi Indonesia responded by providing Cash Voucher Programming/CVP activity. Unlike most non-cash assistance, at this time WVI packaged it in the form of recreational activities for children to support the learning process from home.
The theme of this recreational activity is cooking with children. The cooking ingredients needed are obtained from the results of giving CVP. WVI also produced a cooking tutorial video in collaboration with one of the chefs from the chef union organization throughout Pontianak as a reference for parents to cook with their children. This activity is also intended to train children's life skills in cooking and introduce the chef profession to children.
A total of 129 families (parents and children) participated in this recreational activity. Octavia (34) is one of them. Together with his son, Marco (8), they cook fried rice as a menu of choice.
“One afternoon, I told Marco that we were going to cook fried rice. Then Marco replied: 'oh yes ma'am, the cadres from WVI also said that we would do fried rice cooking activities. Can we do it now, Mom?" said Oktavia telling Marco's enthusiasm.
Marco responded with pleasure. Oktavia also explained that the cooking ingredients had been obtained from the CVP coupon in the form of carrots, vegetables, soy sauce, eggs, etc.
Oktavia and Marco started cooking by preparing ingredients, slicing onions, etc. While Marco was cooking, his mother documented him through photos and videos and sent them to WVI for documentation.
After finishing cooking, the fried rice was then shared by Marco and his sister.
“The fried rice tastes good, Mom. We can add sweet soy sauce, eggs, and carrots to make it even more delicious," Marco said in the video.
He continued, “Mom, I want to cook again tomorrow. You will turn on the stove so that I will cook for you. If the fire getting big, then you will reduce it, won't you?"
Oktavia is glad to involve in this positive activity. According to her, Marco is increasingly independent, learning to do daily work and being able to help her.
“Hopefully, WVI's activities will be more active to help parents in educating their children. Because with the current state of learning from home, children play a lot. So I hope that WVI can be more active after this cooking activity, what next, what to study, if possible once every two weeks,” she concluded.
Not only basic cooking ingredients, through the CVP program, Oktavia can also get other family needs such as 26 eggs, cooking oil, soap, shampoo, vegetables, soy sauce, rice, etc.
Written by: David Pandapotan, Area Program Manager of Kubu Raya Wahana Visi Indonesia