Children's Story: Preventing Boredom with Children's Activities

Anyone can get bored if they are constantly at home without meeting other people. This may also occur in children. To ward off the boredom that may occur in children during a pandemic, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Melawi-Sintang Program Area carries out various children's activities while still enforcing health protocols.
In every activity, besides involving children and the community, WVI also helps foster children's self-confidence. Arif (8 yo) a third-grader, elementary school student, is one of those who feel the excitement of doing activities with WVI. Arif is always happy whenever there are WVI children's activities in his village.
From these activities, Arif now knows how to wash hands with soap properly. Arif is now also no longer ashamed to come forward to tell stories in front of many people.
"I like the activities with WVI because there are many friends and there are always interesting stories," said Arif.
Arif said, now he is studying at home. Her father and mother always remind him to maintain health, eat nutritious food, and not forget to practice CTPS at home or outside the home.
Arif is happy because now there are many CTPS facilities in his village. Through the cooperation of WVI and the village government, now Arif and his neighbors can easily wash their hands as often as possible so that they can live a cleaner and healthier life during a pandemic.
Written by: Staff of Melawi Sintang Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia