Covid-19 Socialization to the Furthest Small Rural Town

The covid-19 pandemic which began in March last year in Indonesia has not come to an end yet. There are various information spreading around and also different responses coming from people. Some people are fearful, some are neutral, and some underestimate the situation. However, there is something different with the people in a small rural town in Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan.
Melabo is the name of this small rural town. It is a part of Setia Budi village in Bengkayang Regency which is the furthest to be reached. Melabo is not accessible by car and is difficult to reach by motorbike in the rainy season. The situation makes information regarding the Covid-19 pandemic is hardly heard of by the people there.
Mulyadi, one of the leaders in the neighborhood agrees to that. Even though it is rarely become a topic to talk about in this village, the help from the government has been distributed several times already.
“We were asked to always wear the mask and wash our hands, but the reason why behind it, I still could not get it. I follow through just because I know it is for our good,” said Mulyadi.
One day, Mulyadi initiated to visit the WVI Bengkayang office after knowing that WVI also assists the government in Setia Budi village to give socialization regarding Covid-19. Mulyadi and two people from Melabo discussed conducting the same socialization program in Melabo.
The distance is not a problem when it comes to helping out the people here. It’s not because I am the leader in this neighborhood but it’s because I think all the people here are my parents and family”, he added.
The WVI staff went on an uneasy trip to get to Melabo. The road was muddy, slippery, and very narrow. The staff needs to be extra careful driving the motorbike in order to get to the destination. The fastest route to get there takes 2 hours.
Even so, the help of Mulyadi and friends have contributed so much to the socialization program in Melabo. They voluntarily help the distribution process of CTPS (handwashing with soap) equipment and other things needed for the socialization agenda.
Not only socialization and the distribution of sanitation equipment, but the people in Melabo also get a printed guide regarding Covid-19 prevention. That guide book is suitable for all ages and is hoped to be able to help the people understand how to take care of themselves and to stop the spreading of the Covid-19 virus.
“Thank you for WVI who has helped us and care for us, despite of the distance and the condition of the road to get here. My kids were happy to receive this help. Ever since they get the hand-washing bucket, I’ve been training them to wash their hands regularly before they enter the house after playing outside.” said Mulyadi happily.
Written by: Yan Riwu, CESP Program Area Bengkayang Wahana Visi Indonesia