Joint Action for Stunting Prevention in South Bengkulu

To reduce stunting in South Bengkulu Regency, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) and the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) took joint action during the Celebration of Breastfeeding Week (Air Susu Ibu) in South Bengkulu Regency with partners from the Government and TP PKK South Bengkulu Regency. Exclusive breastfeeding is the key to success in reducing stunting in Indonesia, which according to the SSGI 2021 is still at a prevalence rate of 24.4 percent and in South Bengkulu itself at 20.8%.
In this discussion, speakers who were present explained the importance of breastfeeding and the role of each institution in supporting stunting prevention through exclusive breastfeeding and improving child nutrition, especially in the first 1,000 days of life.
“Breastfeeding is a gift from God given to mothers for their children, breastfeeding is very important because breast milk is sufficient to represent eating and drinking until the baby is 6 months old. There are many advantages of breast milk, such as breast milk does not need to be made, which can be needed at any time, imagine how difficult it would be if a mother had to wake up at night to make milk. Then breastfeeding doesn't cost money,” said Dr. Erni Desmita, SpA one of the resource persons.
In addition to the talk show, there was also a menu-making competition and cooking nutritious food as a complementary food for breast milk for children aged 6-24 months. A total of 10 groups of participants from WVI-assisted villages enthusiastically participated in this activity. Participants consisted of Posyandu cadres, village PKK, and mothers of toddlers. This activity is a form of campaign and evidence of the PMBA learning outcomes that have been carried out previously. The menu must be diverse and locally sourced, which is easily available and nutritious.
The head of the TP PKK, Tumbuk Tebing village, said that he understands more about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding because it can prevent children from getting sick often and I, as a mother of toddlers, have been educated about guidelines for eating nutritious food with 4 stars and processing good complementary foods.
“This activity is very good, the workshop material is very educational. The PMBA cooking competition event is also very good to increase the knowledge of the cadres about good MPASI and the right portion and maintain cohesiveness. The jury team is also very objective in judging," explained Zelya Khairunissa the head of the PKK in Tumbuk Tebing Village.
The success of stunting reduction must continue to be pursued jointly by various parties. Continuing education will encourage stakeholders including Posyandu cadres as the front line of child health to continue to support mothers in breastfeeding and appropriate age-appropriate food.
Written by: Nurpita Friska Sagala, TPC of South Bengkulu Areea Program Wahana Visi Indonesia