Making Nutrition Garden in the Middle of a Pandemic

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - Having lots of time in the pandemic of Covid-19 makes Helenora Jenina (38) find a way to spend time with her child. Not only that, but she also looks for any idea to reduce activities outside the home to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Then she found an idea of doing planting vegetable activity using polybags.
Capitalizing on modest land, Helenora planted vegetable seeds in a polybag and placed them in one of her home areas.
"I deliberately made this plant in a polybag because I did not have enough land around the house, at the same time so that I also easily taught my children to grow vegetables and care for them, so that in this Covid-19 situation my children and I had a busy schedule at home," she said.
The planting activity apparently helped him to fulfill her family's daily food needs, without the need to go to the market.
Good practices that she did turn out to get the attention of the government of Liang Sola Village, West Manggarai Regency. Seeing the benefits obtained by Helenora, the village government was moved to provide vegetable seeds to its citizens, while at the same time inviting villagers to grow vegetables as a form of fulfilling family nutrition.
Helenora is a PAUD tutor who has always been actively involved in activities with the West Manggarai Program Area WVI. She was even involved in participating in nutrition garden training and the practice of making infant and child feeding menus with WVI. That is why Helenora continues to actively create her own nutrition garden at home, in order to survive in the middle of a pandemic.
Written by: Yohanes Aryatno Hutomo, West Manggarai Wahana Visi Indonesia Program Area Staff