Posyandu Assessment Helps Immprove Posyandu Quality

To determine the level of posyandu (integrated health post) strata and those assisted by the South Bengkulu Area Program of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), WVI collaborated with the Family Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Team (TP PKK) and the South Bengkulu Regency Health Office to conduct a joint assessment entitled Posyandu Ceria.
The posyandu which is considered to be a posyandu that has been fostered and assisted by WVI to create a posyandu that is friendly and liked by children and creates an independent posyandu.
In December 2021, WVI, TP PKK, and the District Health Office assessed 16 posyandu from 14 villages assisted by WVI. The results of the assessment obtained 4 posyandu with the Purnama strata, 5 posyandu with the Intermediate strata, and 7 posyandu with the Primary strata. And, from all posyandu, there are 6 best posyandu.
In her remarks, the Head of the TP PKK South Bengkulu Regency said, "With this posyandu competition activity, all posyandu are expected to be proactive in supporting health programs, especially stunting prevention, especially posyandu in villages."
Several assessment criteria were carried out based on posyandu strata assessment points such as administrative completeness, posyandu creativity in providing services, and the role of the village government towards posyandu in their respective villages.
Efforts to integrate Posyandu services are one way to increase the reach of health services to the community so that an active role from all parties in the implementation of Posyandu is needed. For this reason, from the results of this assessment, future development will be even more active, so that posyandu-posyandu can reach independent strata.
Written by: Nurpita Friska, Staff of South Bengkulu Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia