Posyandu Cadres: Leading the Fight Against Stunting

"If possible, after giving birth, the baby should be placed directly on the mother, shouldn't they, mums? So that they can immediately get colostrum, that first yellow-coloured breast milk," said Bunda Atika. She gave this explanation in a group discussion on the topic of "Breastfeeding Mothers". Bunda Atika is a cadre in a village in South Bengkulu Regency who attended a four-day IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding) orientation in November 2024. The IYCF orientation was the first orientation attended by Bunda Atika (27 years old) after serving as a Posyandu (village health services) cadre.
"I was very happy to attend this orientation because I learned many things, especially regarding breast milk, which is very important for babies and mothers. One thing I remember is that breast milk is free, rather than buying formula which can cost hundreds of thousands in shops. So breastfeeding mothers can save their income and buy a variety of food ingredients such as rice, fish, tofu, tempeh, green vegetables, and fruits in different portions compared to when they were not yet pregnant. You know, when you're breastfeeding, the mother also has to meet the needs of herself and her baby. So it's for two people, not just one anymore," said Bunda Atika.
The IYCF orientation attended by Bunda Atika was facilitated by Wahana Visi Indonesia, in collaboration with the South Bengkulu Regency Health Office. This orientation aims to improve the knowledge and skills of Posyandu cadres in providing nutrition education for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and mothers or caregivers of children under the age of two. It is hoped that Posyandu cadres can convey accurate information about appropriate and timely feeding in the crucial phases of a child's life.
This is very important because Posyandu cadres are at the forefront of providing and supporting Basic Health Services in the community. Posyandu cadres who have good nutrition skills and knowledge can contribute to the prevention of nutritional problems, especially stunting in the First 1,000 Days of Life.
"I also learned about the proper breastfeeding process. By using baby dolls and breast dolls made during the day two activities, it's easier to understand the appropriate techniques to prevent cracked or sore nipples in mothers. These dolls can also be used later when conducting home visits. Usually, if we practice directly, it's easier for mothers to follow," she said.
In addition to baby and breast dolls as teaching aids, there are other educational and communication media in the form of IYCF counselling cards that are distributed to each Posyandu. These tools and materials will be provisions that help cadres carry out their duties in the villages. These media can also be used during Posyandu, especially in Step 5, where Posyandu cadres are tasked with providing health education.
At the end of the IYCF orientation activity, Bunda Atika had hopes and dreams for her noble task as a cadre. "I am optimistic, I can do it, to prevent cases of malnutrition. I certainly want to see all the children in the village healthy!" concluded Bunda Atika. It is true what Bunda Atika said, everything learned in the orientation needs to be implemented well and correctly in the villages as an initial step to prevent stunting. This is also in line with the efforts of the national government which prioritises prevention before nutritional problems occur through health promotion.
Author: Gloriana Seran (MCHN Specialist for Sumatera, Lombok, and Java area)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)