The Mayor of Palu Inaugurates the Safe School Building

A year after the 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2019, there were still damaged school causing many children studied in the temporary school that made learning activity less comfortable. To support teaching and learning activities, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) supported by partners, sponsors and donors rebuilt the school building with safe school principle. Safe school building includes in Safe School Facilities as the first pillar for the Disaster -Safe Education Unit (SPAB).
As of August 2020, two permanent school buildings have been constructed for 295 students in Palu city and Donggala regency. The school building is constructed with an earthquake-resistant structure equipped with child-friendly toilets, teaching and learning facilities, health facilities, sports facilities, and evacuation signs. One of the permanent schools in Palu city was inaugurated on September 15, 2020 by the Mayor of Palu, Drs. Hidayat, M. Si.
“Today we inaugurated nine classrooms at Lasoani primary school assisted by WVI. I appreciate all WVI's emergency response since September 28, 2018. Thank you for all your support,” said Hidayat.
Not only the school buildings, WVI and the Education Office of Palu city and Donggala regency are also working together to carry out a Memorandum of Understanding. Furthermore, after the response is complete, the Education Office will support the process of technical assistance, monitoring, consultation and completeness of documents related to the SPAB implementation.
The representative of Donggala regency Education Office, Kasmudin admitted that he would work together with various parties in implementing the SPAB.
“The disaster-safe school building which has been implemented will be used and followed up in synergy with various parties,” said Kasmudin, representative of the Donggala Regency Education Office during the handover of the permanent school building of SDN 14 Sirenja.
The Safe School Facility Pillar is one of the pillars of SPAB apart from School Disaster Management and Education for Disaster Risk Prevention and Reduction. A total of 18,528 boys and 17,237 girls have benefited from the education sector from the earthquake and tsunami emergency response projects in Central Sulawesi since September 2018.
Written by Rena Tanjung, Communications Officer, Wahana Visi Indonesia