The Next Top Leaders in South Nias

"We reactivate the Village Children's Forum on the basis that we have an understanding that children must also be cared for. Children's rights must be fulfilled, children must have positive activities. We don't want it to be just adults, we want to prepare children from an early age. Because they are the next generation," said Safran, the Village Head in South Nias Regency.
One of WVI's assisted villages in South Nias has now reactivated the Village Children's Forum, which had been dormant. The village government is aware of the importance of children's participation in village development. Not only as a organizer of activities in favor of children, but also as future leaders. "I am sure we will not always be at this age. There must be regeneration and they are the ones who will replace our position. So we teach and shape them from now on, both psychologically, mentally, and knowledgeably. The hope is that when they are mature, they will be ready to become leaders," Safran continued.
Learning to organize is one of the most challenging activities for members and administrators of the Village Children's Forum. However, with the spirit of trying new things, the Village Children's Forum succeeded in mapping the problems of children in the village as well as developing an activity plan for one year.
Based on the results of the problem exploration, the Village Children's Forum found that many child protection issues still occur. For example, child marriage, violence against children, and even child labor. By conducting this process, the children were able to see that these things should not happen to them. Instead, children should be able to live in an environment that is safe, supports their potential and provides space for their creations.
"I think the Children's Forum in the village was formed as a concern of the village government for the children in this village. How can each child be reached, cared for so that they are formed into an organization. So that positive activities based on children are created," said Lisdarlina, a young girl who currently serves as Chairperson of the Village Children's Forum.
As a woman leading an organization, Lisdarlina herself was worried. "At first I was nervous, afraid because I was the chairperson, of course I doubted whether I could lead my friends. But I also want to learn to be a leader, yes indeed it is my ideal. Therefore, when I was given the opportunity, I was determined to learn to lead the Village Children's Forum," she said.
Lisdarlina is not alone, she is also accompanied by other young women who act as vice-chairs of the Village Children's Forum. "Before there was a Children's Forum in the village, everyday after school I did a lot of activities at home. Helping my parents in the garden or cleaning the house and cooking. I was actually bored because there was no interaction or communication with other people, no activities either," Erwina said.
"But since joining the Children's Forum, I began to understand that communication with peers is also necessary. I can have the courage to perform in front of others. I adapted so that I started to be brave. I also gained new knowledge and experiences other than at school," continued the teenage girl who is currently studying in grade XI.
The Children's Forum is a crucial forum in fighting for the fulfillment of children's rights at the village, sub-district and even district levels. Children are much more aware of the problems they face, and with quality capacity building, these children can voice and find solutions to the issues faced by children around them. The Children's Forum is also a forum that produces children who are ready to become young leaders.
"The existence of the Children's Forum has indirectly supported the village government program, for example because we are not only building roads, houses, electricity, but this is building human resources, the person of the next generation. Our focus is to prepare future leaders," Safran concluded. Going forward, WVI in collaboration with the village government will continue to capacitate the members and administrators of the Village Children's Forum so that they can implement the activity plan properly. In addition, the Children's Forum is also expected to be a solution to child protection issues that occur in the village.
Writer: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)
Contributors: Tim kantor operasional WVI area Nias Selatan