WVI Closed Programs in North Lombok Regency After Serving for 2 Years

#LombokBangkitKembali - For about 2 years Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) has provided services to the community in North Lombok Regency (KLU) with various programs that helped during the post-earthquake, WVI officially closed its program in the district. This closure was carried out on 27 August 2020 in conjunction with the dissemination of the achievements and evaluation results of the WVI program at KLU. Several sectors such as education, health, child protection, emergency shelter, and handling during the Covid-19 pandemic were also evaluated in this closure.
Samuel Situmorang as Response Manager for the Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response said WVI had completed the duties at KLU. What has been built by WVI then becomes the responsibility and property of the community and stakeholders in KLU.
"What we have been doing for the past 2 years in North Lombok is supported by the government and the community and now all of it can finally be done," said Samuel in his speech.
Zul Isnani as Head of Dusun Betumping added that the community really felt that the WVI program was fast and useful for them. Besides, the programs that WVI do are not only focuses on development but also training and dissemination both in schools and in the community.
"Since we are mostly Muslim, then WVI stepped in to explain the organization's identity as a Christian organization, at first it was difficult for us to accept it. After all of the residents participated in the socialization and WVI implemented its program, it turned out that the program carried out by WVI was a basic program that helped the community. And until now WVI has been very helpful and provides benefits. Not only the non-physical assistance provided, but also helping people who did not have a job during Covid-19. They were helped to increase their income by being craftsmen in the sub-village to repair the shelters that were built. The money given by WVI is then used to buy a sewing machine for making masks for the residents of Betumping Sub-village,” Zul explained.
Beneficiaries also gave good appreciations. One of them is a teacher of SDN 8 Sokong. He said through the presence of WVI at his school, children have understood the importance of saving themselves when a disaster occurs. According to him, various supports in the form of the tables and chairs assistance as well as first aid kits are also a form of WVI's attention to the school.
“When WVI provides information on learning needs, all parents and children feel happy… When students receive goods and we come to the students' homes to teach, they use these items such as drinking water containers and writing utensils provided by WVI. As a teacher, I am grateful and hopefully in the future WVI will provide extraordinary benefits," said him.
At the end of the event, the signing event of the handover of goods was also carried out by WVI together with the village and sub-district parties, as well as the submission of a placard as a form of WVI's gratitude to the community and government for their participation and support during WVI's intervention at KLU. All interventions and benefits that can be felt by the community, are not only efforts from WVI but can be achieved because of community involvement and government support to ease the burden on the communities affected by the earthquake in Lombok, especially for children in KLU.
Written by: Siluh Putu Febriana, Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response Staff, WVI