Active Kids are Healthy Kids

The implementation of the BOKS program at one of the elementary schools in South Central Timor Regency has brought positive impacts on the students. This is especially true for a fourth-grade student named Harmoni (10 years old). During the BOKS celebration held in March 2024 at her school, Harmoni managed to win first place in the sack race, competing against representatives from all grades, from first to sixth.
"I'm happy to be the champion. Because of BOKS, I've become braver and love to exercise," said Harmoni. Previously, Harmoni was known as a child who cried easily, didn't like to socialize with her friends, and was very shy and disliked sports.
"It's true, Harmoni is a child who cries easily, and she seemed to not want to socialize with her friends. But since the BOKS activities started and the children were given the opportunity to tell stories and express themselves, I started to see a change in Moni. In fact, this change can be said to be very big. As her homeroom teacher and the physical education teacher who facilitated the BOKS activities, I feel that the change in Moni's character is extraordinary," said Elan.
The presence of BOKS and the changes that occurred in Harmoni were not only felt by the teachers at her school but also by her parents. "Before BOKS, my daughter found it difficult to wake up in the morning, and she was always the last to arrive at school. She was also quiet and didn't want to share what she felt. Physically, she was quite weak. She even had difficulty lifting a two-liter jug of water and would sometimes cry because she was tired," said Mama Yosri, Harmoni's mother.
However, with Harmoni's regular participation in BOKS activities at school and in her children's group, Mama Yosri saw a significant change. "I'm proud because Moni can now tell us what she feels, she's brave to socialize with friends and even new people she meets, and she's even become stronger. She's become more agile and moves more easily. She doesn't have trouble waking up early for school anymore. She even fetches water herself in the morning, takes a bath, and gets ready for school. She's become more independent and more diligent in going to school," continued Mama Yosri.
"Because of BOKS, I like running. I like sports because it makes my body healthier and stronger, so I could win first place in the sack race," said Moni with a smile. "As a parent, I feel happy and proud that my child can make me proud. Finally, Mama has a strong child, Mama's child can do it," said Mama Yosri with teary eyes.
Author: Maria Iknasia Natasya Cangdra (freelance for BOKS project in South Central Timor)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)