Children Issues in Asmat Through A Child’s Eyes

Karin may only be 15 years old but she has a keen eye and critical thinking about the problems of children around her. She was born and raised in Asmat District. Every day she witnessed how her peers who were also teenage girls received violent behavior. She witnessed how her friends starved to the point of having to smoke aibon glue to feel full. She also witnessed how her friends at school became smaller and smaller.
Karin, who is also active in the Children's Forum, said, "Every day there are parents who beat their children. Teenage girls are beaten up when dating because their boyfriends are unhappy or they are drunk. Bullying at school also exists,". Karin assesses that this negative behavior by teenagers occurs because children feel neglected by parents, families, and teachers. "There are also those who are lazy to go to school and then prefer to look for money because they are hungry. They prefer to look for food," she said sadly.
This reality is so dark and has plunged many children in Asmat District. Lack of food, going to school hungry, extremely poor family, child marriage, violence among children, unable to access adequate health services, or parents who commit violence and neglect, not to mention teachers in schools who also need breakthroughs in teaching. Inevitably, these problems overlap, squeezing the lives of children into negative daily activities.
"Very rarely do I see children here eating a full meal. Usually it's just rice or sago. Only once in a while they had full meal," Karin continues, "They also sometimes fall asleep in class and even skipping school because finding food is more important for them,".
When food is not available, many teenagers in Asmat end up addicted to aibon glue or even narcotics. This has a deeper impact because in their drunken state, these teenagers, who are also not exposed to information about reproductive health, engage in sexual activities outside of marriage. "A friend of mine at school got pregnant. I also had a senior in my class who got pregnant. But when the child was born, the father and mother didn't care about the child," said Karin, furious with this situation.
This situation also triggered violence among teenagers in Asmat. It is easy to find a group of teenage boys beating a teenage girl who is an ex-girlfriend because they are unhappy with the breakup. "Women are easily beaten," said Karin.
In the midst of a very unstable situation where adults are often not good role models, a child can be a beacon of hope for other children. Karin and the members of the Children's Forum in Asmat are those hope bearers. Despite the challenges, Karin and her fellow Children's Forum members did not want to remain silent. They choose to take a role and start to make a change.
"I believe to value myself first, and help others. It doesn't matter if you want to be alienated or bullied, the important thing is that it's better to raise a voice than be silent. It's better to share what I know to other children," said Karin. In addition to conducting various campaigns and socialization about child protection and children's rights, Karin also wants to be a peer who brings positive influence to fellow teenagers. She wants to be able to talk heart-to-heart with her friends who are falling into negative things. She wants to share about a life that is not frivolous, just get along without thinking about the good and bad. "I want these friends to be able to say, 'I have to go to school', 'I can achieve my goals', 'I can actually go to school and earn money'. Even though when I explain it, I often get scolded or bullied, but that means I have to do more so that they can change their minds," she concluded.
Karin's perspective and actions are a light in the midst of darkness. This light must be maintained so that it continues to shine, shines even brighter, or gives rise to other lights. Do not let this light go out and bring gloom to the lives of children in Asmat, Papua. If Karin, a teenage girl, dares to take a role, then each of us should be much braver. Speaking up, donating, or taking the initiative to volunteer are roles that we can choose now, wherever we are.
Karin and the children in Asmat need a lot of support from all of us so that they can see hope in their lives. Let us together realize the hope of life for every child in Asmat.
Author: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)