Covid-19 Prevention Campaign from Home

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - Covid-19 pandemic brings change to everyone, including children in 15 Primary Focus Area (PFA) Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) South Bengkulu Program Area. Children are required to do activities at home, no longer gather and study together with their friends at school.
If they had previously been able to study together, chat, play sports, and play together, in the Covid-19 pandemic situation, these activities are forbidden. Everyone, including children, must implement social distancing, limiting activities outside their house. As a result, boredom happens, because never before the children were asked to do activities at home in a very long time.
Activities at home during the pandemic have become routine activities that were rarely done before, such as the routine of washing hands with soap, worshiping at home rather than in places of worship, and especially using masks when going out of the house.
To fill the positive activities of children at home, WVI held a competition in 13 PFA that participated by 170 children. The competition which held in their own home aims to fill free time of children at home in the Covid-19 pandemic with a positive thing, encourage children to be brave and able to share their story or positive experience while doing activities at home, while also introduce about prevention of Covid-19 to children, and as a media campaign about prevention of Covid-19.
This competition encourages children to be creative in 3 type of activities, which is: 1) making the video, 2) making the poster, and 3) write the story of change with activities at home, while all of these activities are having the same theme, about prevention of Covid-19. Information about this competition is done via an online platform (WhatsApp group) by child companion cadres in 13 PFA.
By joining this competition children have been asked to do their activities at home. Children can still show their creations by taking part in a competition titled campaign. Indirectly children have spread information to friends and their environment about the prevention of Covid-19.
Vetrisia (14 yo), is one of the children who participate in the competition. She sent the posters about Covid-19 prevention information that she made by herself. She got from online sources, television, and also her parents.
“While at home, I often wash my hand with soap, even when I can’t play normally with my friend, but I have a hobby, which is drawing, that I can do to participate in the prevention of Covid-19,” said her.
It appears that children miss the atmosphere of the school and meet with their friends. This appears from their story and drawing. Children hope that situation is back normal again, and they can play with their friends, and also do activities with WVI again through activities in their village.
Written by: Staff of South Bengkulu Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia