When Children Dare to Speak, They Helped Other Children

The lack of knowledge of parents, and the government at the village to district levels in supporting children's participation in the Maba Tengah District, East Halmahera Regency is proven by the lack of children's forums formed. District data show that, until 2022, out of a total of 12 villages in the Maba Tengah District, only 4 villages have had village children's forums (FAD). Even so, through the available FAD, children use the available opportunities to express their opinions, one of which happened in Miaf Village.
The children of FAD members in this village use the available opportunities and participate in village deliberations and have the opportunity to make suggestions regarding the needs of children in the village. The courage to speak out like this began to emerge after FAD members received assistance from Wahana Visi Indonesia for the East Halmahera Program Area.
FAD members saw the issue of dropping out of school in Miaf Village due to the distance to access to education, as well as very poor road conditions to get to school. They say that every parent has to spend about IDR 600 thousand per month so that their children can go to school. Seeing this, the children of FAD members in Miaf Village proposed the procurement of public transportation, to reduce the burden on families in financing transportation of children to school.
Right in January 2022, these children's dreams came true with the realization of the procurement of public transportation equipment (brand: VIAR).
"Finally, we have VIAR, and we are very happy now, so when we walk around, our shoes will not get dirty," said the head of the children's forum in Miaf Village.
This is also realized thanks to the support and enthusiasm that never goes out from the children's companions such as Magdalena Samehe and Makdalena Harikase.
"People as parents and guardians of children will continue to encourage children to be involved in every activity both at church and in the village so that children's voices can be increasingly considered, and children's rights can be fulfilled," said Magdalena who is also a teacher at the Miaf Inpres Elementary School.
After a meeting with the parents and they discussed each other regarding the fees, the parents agreed to pay a fee of IDR150,000 per month for fuel costs and vehicle maintenance costs. The parents were enthusiastic because they felt very helped,
Written by: K. Eko Krismanto, Staff of East Halmahera Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia